
Town Hall lit in Ukraine flag colours

If you are a Sponsor and are already matched - whether your guests are "in process" or have already arrived - please complete this form to give us some basic details. That will allow us to keep you informed of future events, offer you guidance to help you and your guests and perhaps call on your experience to help others.

Please use the (other) form (HERE) if you have rooms available and wish to host, but are not yet matched to guests

Please use the (other) form (HERE) if you wish or are able to help in other ways but do not have rooms available.

This is the form for people who are accommodating guests under The Government's "Homes for Ukraine" program, or under the "Ukrainian Families" scheme or through some other route.

If you spot any problems with this form or website, please email our webmaster
Please complete this form to register as a matched host

Questions for Matched hosts

Your Name 
MANDATORY - Please enter your forename and surname

Your Email Address 
MANDANORY - Please enter your email address

Your Phone Number 
Best phone number for you.
Please include country code if not UK.

Link to your Facebook
or other social media page
Other ways to reach you such as your Facebook handle

I cannot speak English 
Only check this box if you are a host who does NOT speak English
Very Unlikely!

I cannot speak Ukrainian 
Check this box if you are a host who does NOT speak Ukrainian
Most hosts WILL check this

Any other support you can offer? 
For example - occasional cooking and joining in a family meal.

Additional comments 

Are you happy for us to use this information to keep in contact 
MANDATORY - We need your permission to hold and use your data
See here

About the accommodation you are providing

Accommodation Postcode 
Full postcode preferred
Example - SN12 7NY

Street Address 
Example - 48 Spa Road

Example - Melksham

About your guests

When [did they / do you expect] them to arrive? 

Please fill in a line for each guest 
Please enter name, age ang gender of each member
of your host family who will be resident with you
while you have gusts.

Anything more we should know about your guests? 
Please click on SUBMIT to send ->
Будь ласка, натисніть SUBMIT, щоб надіслати ->
When you submit this form you wil be shown the complete information
If any mandatory fields are incomplete you will be asked to correct them
Once submitted, please email us any changes
(Login to alter may come later)

Коли ви надішлете цю форму, вам буде показано повну інформацію
Якщо будь-які обов’язкові поля не заповнені, вам буде запропоновано виправити їх
Після надсилання надішліть нам будь-які зміни електронною поштою
(Увійдіть, щоб змінити, можливо пізніше)