
This page is now archived. The group is still active but the activities have moved on and the need for a dedicate website is less.
Please see our home page for new contact details.

Our Community Support Pages - Ukraine to UK
Site run by volunteers in Wiltshire - Сайт, який ведуть волонтери у Вілтширі

Town Hall lit in Ukraine flag colours

Links to some key resources


(link) Питання на візу «Дім для України» українською мовою - Questions for UK Visa applications under homes for Ukraine scheme
(link) Help for Ukrainians coming to the UK (unofficial - good sample)
(link) Apply for a visa under the Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme (Homes for Ukraine) (UK Govt)

(link) Reset Charity - "Homes for Ukraine" sponsor toolkit

(link) Ласкаво просимо! Путівник для українців, які прибувають до Великобританії - Welcome! Guide for Ukrainians arriving in the UK

(link) Letter of support - Chippenham Council to Wiltshire Council
(link) ukhelp4ukraine group

Forum Threads

General Discussion >> Загальне обговорення
1/100(link)An update - moving on to a new phase
1/97(link)Update to town and parish councils, and to sponsors, 27.5.2022
1/95(link)Update to town and parish councils, 20.5.2022
1/94(link)Wiltshire Council newsletter to sponsors - 20th May 2022
1/89(link)Sponsor / Host ... Refugee / Guest - Terminology
1/84(link)Our diary - please add your own entries!
1/80(link)What does that stand for? / Що це означає? / Что это значит?
1/78(link)News update to County and Town Councillors, 29.4.2022
1/71(link)Our Facebook page and other Facebook pages
1/67(link)The big picture - as at 21st April 2022 from the BBC
1/26(link)Is this safe for sponsors and for guests?
1/25(link)Time Zones - Ukraine, Europe, UK
1/22(link)Шановні гості з України! - "Dear Guests from Ukraine"
1/21(link)English - dear guests from Ukraine
1/16(link)If you hear artillery fire in Wiltshire
1/3(link) Ласкаво просимо на наш форум
1/2(link)Welcome to our forum
Ukrainian looking for sponsor >> Українець шукає спонсора
2/81(link)New home
2/66(link)Update letter for GUESTS - 18th April 2022 / Оновлений лист для ГОСТЕЙ - 18 квіт
2/56(link)Looking for sponsors
2/54(link)А в інших районах Англії є подібні пропозиції? / Similar groups in other areas?
2/47(link)Homes for Ukraine - Sponsor Tookit from "Reset"
2/36(link)Временное убежище из за войны в Украине
2/6(link)Some questions you might like to ask your potential sponsor
Sponsor looking for Ukrainian >> Спонсор шукає українця
3/79(link)Are you a potential host seeking a guest?
3/76(link)Update for sponsors from Wiltshire Council, 29th April 2022
3/65(link)Update letter for HOSTS - 18th April 2022
3/59(link)Sponsors - claiming £350 in Wiltshire
3/57(link)Homes for Ukraine Update - 14.4.2022 from HM Government
3/45(link)Host meeting - 8th April 2022, 18:00 for 18:30, Melksham
3/39(link)So where in Ukraine are they from?
3/30(link)Wiltshire Council - information for sponsors
3/7(link)Questions a potential sponsor might like to ask a potential guest
The paperwork and Visa process >> Оформлення документів та оформлення візи
4/105(link)Numbers - as of late August 2022
4/69(link)UK Government system - designed to reduce numbers travelling??
4/46(link)Wiltshire Council - approaches to check us and homes
4/37(link)Matching process - Government steps in, too late?
4/31(link)Update from HM Govt on Homes for Ukraine program
4/28(link)Individual checks
4/27(link)House checks!
4/20(link)Is our UK Government doing enough - Vis processing
4/19(link)Information from Wiltshire Council: FAQ and useful links
4/18(link)Does my son need a passport?
4/14(link)Update to Town and Parish Councils in Wiltshire
4/9(link)The application form / process
Travelling to the UK and meeting your sponsor >> Подорож до Великобританії та зустріч зі своїм спонсором
5/62(link)Bringing pets / Привезення собак, котів і тхорів до Великобританії
5/48(link)Що вам потрібно знати в перші кілька днів / What you need to know, first days
5/40(link)Free travel and transport for those fleeing Ukraine
5/34(link)Best airports to arrive at for Melksham (and Chippenham too!)
5/33(link)Tips on checkin for your visa, and on travel
Getting ready for your guests >> Готуємося до ваших гостей
6/83(link)Wiltshire Council Public Webinar - Update on guest support - 16th May 2022
6/41(link)Help with the Ukrainian language
6/23(link)Having Difficulty Communicating?
Other Areas >> Інші області
7/96(link)London or not - guest requests for "London"
7/58(link)United Kingdom - climate
7/24(link)Where are the jobs and space and support in England -
7/15(link)London, England, Great Britain, United Kingdom, British Isles
North and West parts of Wiltshire County >> Північна та західна частини округу Вілтшир
9/85(link)What is it like to live in Wiltshire?
9/51(link)Where we cover - UK
Registering with schools, doctors, etc >> Реєстрація в школах, лікарях тощо
18/86(link)What information do you need to register with a doctor
18/75(link)Guidance for parents with children who need help settling into their new life
18/70(link)Ukraine driving licenses
18/64(link)Home Schooling
18/61(link)Welcome pack for guests / Привітальний пакет для гостей
Finding work >> Пошук роботи
19/98(link)Getting to jobs - for Melksham residents, without using your own car
Food and drink >> Продукти харчування та напої
20/77(link)Food for guests - a starter for you
Learning the language and customs >> Вивчення мови та звичаїв
21/103(link)English Speaking Practice - 21st June 2022, 18:30, Melksham
21/102(link)English for Speakers of Other Languages - Summer School
21/99(link)13th & 15th June - English practice group / Група практики з англійської мови
21/90(link)English for Speakers of Other Languages starting Melksham 16th May 2022
21/88(link)English Language Support - Fridays in Chippenham
21/73(link)Finding things different in the UK - from an immigrant of 25 years ago
21/72(link)Guests learning English - is there a natural reluctance?
21/63(link)Lonely Planet - free download of phrasebook and dictionary
Entertainment and leisure >> Розваги та дозвілля
22/35(link)Churches in Melksham
Banking and finances >> Банківська справа та фінанси
23/60(link)Guests payment of £200 on arrival - how it works
23/44(link)Beware - financial scams
23/29(link)Opening Bank Accounts
23/17(link)Access to benefits on arrival
Contacting other Ukrainians >> Контакти з іншими українцями
24/92(link)Chippenham, Picnic in James Cole Park SN15 1NZ
24/87(link)Devizes - welcomes at 10 am every Thursday
24/82(link)U-Meet - Ukraine / Melksham events
24/74(link)Meeting calendar / Зустрічайте / Встречи
Returning to live in Ukraine >> Повернення жити в Україну
26/104(link)Moved on or been moved on - and regretted it?
About the forum >> Про форум
29/101(link)Email issues
29/55(link)Should we improve our Google ranking?
29/53(link)Progress in matching guests from Ukraine to sponsors in Wiltshire
29/52(link)How this web site and forum are funded
29/50(link)Time and Weather
29/43(link)Our Facebook page - copy of the rules and guidelines
29/38(link)Asking for money - NOT HERE please
29/5(link)A copy of your membership agreement
29/4(link)What this forum is about and who it's for
31/42(link)Pictures of Melksham
31/11(link)Introduction to Melksham
31/10(link)Support in Melksham
32/8(link)A welcome in Chippenham
Local activities for children >> Місцеві заходи для дітей
38/93(link)Informal fun football session at Stanley Park, Chippenham